Locations of standardized tender points of fibromyalgia.

Living with Fibromyalgia
People who do not have fibromyalgia are much less tender
multiple tender points
fibromyalgia-trigger-points. Fibromyalgia pain makes
Tender points are specific sites on the body that cause pain when pressed.
becomes a chronic Fibromyalgia pain trigger points lifestyle problem.
The pain in
What are tender points?

We have artistic images:
Sensitive points with fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia Tender Points. Thyroid problems, bone diseases, cancer, AIDS,
A fibromyalgia tender point has to be painful at palpation, not just "tender
The number of tender points may change over time.
A tender point has
There is no cure for fibromyalgia. The goal of treatment is to help in the
The main pressure points of Fibromyalgia pain are shown here.
Many of those already suffering from the pain of fibromyalgia also suffer
Tender Points in Fibromyalgia. fibromyalgia and affects
Fibrositic tender points (anterior)