GNOME 3.0 delayed until March 2011
Gnome Brainstorm. Manteniendo la simpleza de Gnome GNOME 3,0 Mockup
is that GNOME 2.30 = GNOME 3.0.
Gnome 3.0! Gnome 3.0! Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this
尽管GNOME 2.30只是2.X和3.0版之间的一个过渡,不过开发人员表示它不会偏离GNOME
Visual Tour of GNOME 3 Shell (in Ubuntu 9.10)
Gnome 3.0 Brainstorm. * Gnome Brainstorm. Manteniendo la simpleza de Gnome
GNOME 3.0 Beta 2 (or GNOME 2.91.91, as developers call it) involves changes
Antes tinha também tentou conceituar o que seria o próximo 3,0 GNOME desktop
Gnome 3.0 Brainstorm
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GNOME 2.24.0 is out!
Antes tinha também tentou conceituar o que seria o próximo 3,0 GNOME desktop. Screenshot 3 of Gnome Menu Extended
Tomboy help re-written into topic based help for GNOME 3.0:
Desktop with applications in GNOME 2.2.0 in RedHat 9.

At this time you are welcome to new Gnome Desktop environment
Fedora desktop on the Gnome Live CD Vergrößern
So, let's please everybody with this week GNOME 3 Live image 0.1.0 : it
GNOME 3.0.png. Sur le bureau à gauche apparaîtra les applications favorites
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